How to make a good proposal that clients mostly accept?

A business needs to provide a good business proposal to its client to win a deal. That client might get tons of proposals every day and he/she might not open every proposal. Why? Because, any proposal that is very lucrative at the first look, will have the chance to get notified by the client.

So, what is the secret sauce behind the recipe for a perfect proposal? In this article, we will show you how to make a good proposal that your client cannot skip.

What Is A Business Proposal?

A piece of writing that a business delivers to prospective clients to get their business is called a business proposal (also known as a client proposal). A business or client proposal, which is frequently utilized by bookkeepers and accountants, explains what you can accomplish for the client and the value you offer. 

The Ideal Format of A Good Business Proposal

An ideal business proposal should contain the following elements:

  • Introduction
  • Scopes and services
  • Products or services you offer
  • Pricing
  • What Is special about the company to choose for
  • Previous work example
  • Reviews

Traditionally you should write the whole proposal by typing or writing manually. It will cost you more than 4-5 hours from your regular working hours. Also, there might be mistakes, wrong product information, wrong pricing, etc. What about if you have a solution for all of these problems?

FlyPapyrus offers you an all-in-one free invoice generation and proposal-making software, which allows you to make a good business proposal that the client will surely accept.

Let’s have a look at how can you make a perfect business proposal with FlyPapyrus within a click.

Step-by-step Process of Making a Good Business Proposal

  1. First, you have to visit to access the homepage.
  2. Here, you can see two options: Quick Invoice and Login. If you want an instant invoice/proposal, you can click the first one. If you want, you can click the Login and create an account too.
invoice generator & login button
  1. Then you can be redirected to the proposal creation Dashboard. The dashboard will look like this. You can click on the “+ Add Proposal/Invoice” button in the top-left corner.
showing invoice/proposal button
  1. When you click on the button, a new form will open.
  1. To create a proposal you need to change the “Type” from “Invoice” to “Proposal”
  2. Then provide a title, add your customer name, and products. If you are a new account holder, you need to first add the customer details and product details by clicking “+” icon. After you select the created products, the pricing details will be shown in the following box.
Explaining the work of all inputs to generate a proposal/invoice
  1. After you add the product details and customer details, you can add additional details and Terms and Conditions. These two fields will provide you with the benefits of being professional and provide more details if you think the customer needs to know.
showing the proposal/invoice Additional Note & terms & conditions button
  1. You may think of adding a cover letter to impress your customer. FlyPapyrus provides you with that option too. You can add a cover letter too. To add a cover letter, click on the “Cover Letter” drop-down menu. You need to select a previously uploaded cover letter from the list.
showing how to select cover letter to a proposal
  1. To add a cover letter, you need to go to the “Settings” option from the left-side menu. You can see “Add Attachment” option from the sub-menu at the bottom.
showing how to add cover letter to a proposal
  1. In the next page, you can see the option to upload your file. You need to give a title first and then click on the checkbox to mark this as a cover letter. If you do not mark this, it will not be shown on the Cover Letter list.
image showing how to set title to a cover letter for a proposal
  1. After you add the cover letter, now comes the most interesting part which will make your proposal stand out from others. In the section, your company details and logo will shown here. But, you can change the proposal color and text color according to your client logo.
how to change proposal/invoice color and brand logo

This will show your client that you are very attentive to details and it will make them happy. Because, when you call a people by their own identity, they always love that.

  1. After completing all the information, you can preview them, and then save them. You can also send an email directly from the dashboard if you already set the email client from your settings.
image showing proposal/invoice preview, save, send email, download, print save as draft options.
  1. From left-side setup menu, you can setup the email settings and email body settings.
proposal/invoice email setting option

Final Thought

At the end, when you are finished, you can check the time you need to complete this proposal with FlyPapyrus. You will be amazed that, you have plenty of additional time to do some other work. So, why will you waste your time by making a manual proposal when you have FLYPAPYRUS? Visit the website and start making your unique proposal.